December 4

It’s December!

It is hard to believe that it is already Christmas time!  We have been busy with many activities.  We finished reading Pax and some of us were a little surprised at the ending.  We felt many emotions while we read the book and would recommend it to anyone.  We have planned our California region commercials and will begin filming soon.  We had another Mystery Classroom experience with a class in the coast region of California.  We made a “Welcome to Our Class!” video using iMovie and I am trying to figure out how to post it on this blog (I am new to using Apple products.).

The next task we are beginning is learning about our National Parks.  It is the 100th anniversary of the Parks System and each fourth grade student receives a free pass to all of the National Parks through August 2017!

We are also preparing to learn how to code.  The Hour of Code is this week and we are excited to begin learning this new skill.

We have connected with a new school.  We will soon be connecting with the students of Pax Pahosant International School in Ghana.  We are looking forward to learning with them!

Until I can figure out how to embed our video, here is a link to it:  Welcome to Our Class!